Family Tree 20241201 (privacy filtered) - Person Sheet
NameMary Lally
70, shows Nellie Lyons mother’s maiden name to be Castelo,265,272, shows Patrick and Mary Lyons as Alice Lyons parents,360, shows Patrick and Mary Lyons as Mary Lyons parents,505, mother of Lawrence Lyons showing full name Mary Lally,526,985, mother of Lawrence Lyons showing full name Mary Lally
Residence1892, 20 Elm Place, Whitman, MA965
Memoboarding with Fogartys
Residence4 Jun 1900, 48 East Union Street, Brockton MA299,1299
Memoboarding with Garrett Fitzgerald and Mary Lyons Fitzgerald.
Residence1906, 20 Elm Place, Whitman, MA963
Death24 Jan 1907, 20 Elm Place, Whitman, MA265
Burial26 Jan 1907, St. James Cemetary, Whitman, MA101
MemoPossible that her name was added to the stone, but she is buried in Rockland per death certificate
Burial26 Jan 1907, St. Patrick Cemetery, Rockland, MA265
1Patrick Lyons
265, husband of Mary Lally,272, father of Alice Lyons,360, father of Mary Lyons,505, father of Lawrence Lyons,526, father of Lawrence Lyons,985, father of Lawrence Lyons
Deathbef 1892
Memopresumed dead before wife Mary Lally immigrated to USA
Notes for Mary Lally
resided w/ Wm. Fogarty according to 1892 Whitman Directory
16possible maiden name Castelo (from Nellie Brackett death certificate)