NameRita McCarthy

Birth23 Mar 1918, Holliston Mass
Residence5 Jan 1920, 43 Union Street, Holliston MA34
Residence15 Apr 1940, Morton Street, Boston State Hospital397
Death31 Aug 2007, Camden, Maine
BurialSt James Cemetary, Whitman, MA
OccupationDental Hygienist, Whitman
Soc. Sec. #014-16-1751
EducationForsyth Dental School, Boston Mass.
ReligionRoman Catholic
U.S. Army Air Force, Navigator B17. Purple Heart - mission over Germany.
He had older sister who married Lawrence Burbine (who worked for my father
when Larry was in High School- as did Larry's brothers Chuck and Danny before
I was old enough to work in the station evenings and Sundays). Larry took
over his fathers Plumbing business and ran it with Chuck, Danny, & Tommy
until they sold the business to Manus Getchell. Norm's younger brother
'Tot' Pilote played football for Brown Univ. The Pilotes lived on Temple St
next to Mrs Adelman (H.S. coach Adelman's mother) who leased the gas station
next door on the corner of Bedford St&Temple St to my father who had my Uncle
Joe run it while my father ran the other one at about #14 Temple St- before
the bldg was moved to Gurney Place(Now Legion Parkway).