The Funniest Event

Tom walking on water

One of our family traditions was the Sunday night slideshow, which coincided with arrival of newly developed photos that Dad had taken. The screen would come out of its box in the front closet and be set up before the living room window. Dad would lug out his heavy Sears projector, set it up on the dining room table, and then proceed to load the tray. We kids sat on the floor and Mom sat on a chair opposite Dad.

As the show started, there was always a hint of tension, as sometimes a slide would jam or be backwards or upside down, which really annoyed Dad. Nonetheless it was fun to see and once the projector was running, it was easy to get him to show some of the older slides.

The title of this post comes from my 6th grade school composition in which I recounted how we marveled and laughed on first viewing the miracle of Tom walking on water. This was probably taken with Dad’s Yashica camera, as I was already using his Bolsey which had inadequate shutter speed to capture this. I suspect that my irreverent nature as already at work, as I am sure I had tongue in cheek while writing about walking on water.

Sixty years on, it’s still a one-in-a-million shot.

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